Nachhaltigkeit sicherstellen - mit faigle Komponenten
Consistent lightweight construction of our products saves weight and thus energy for accelerating or moving equipment. The use of high-performance plastics, quality ball bearings and an optimised design also make our products more durable than is otherwise common in the industry. This not only helps our customers reduce waste, but also reduces maintenance.
To further improve the energy efficiency of equipment, we focus on optimising rolling resistance through design and material modifications. Because we know that many of our customers take a holistic approach and want their plants to be sustainable down to the smallest detail, our development departments are also currently working on the use of climate-friendly materials and improving recycling in the sense of a functioning circular economy.
Through these and other measures, we want to constantly reduce the CO2 footprint of our customers. This is how we contribute to a green future.
Long-lasting products
We develop and produce innovations made from plastics that help us to enhance waste avoidance, thanks especially to their long service life. These innovations are used in intralogistics, escalators and moving walkways, and to move people and goods.
Improving carbon footprints in production operations
Our experience shows that switching to faigle-developed plastic components in production operations leads to considerable savings in heat energy, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions at the refitted facilities.
Using climate-friendly materials
In 2022 we launched the first climate-friendly wheel for the intralogistics industry: the ecoWheel, which is made primarily from plastics with a high proportion of recycled material as well as a biomass-based polyol
Resource conservation and recycling
Recycling is central to our in-house production. Different types of rejects are largely collected separately, ground up and partially recycled or reprocessed. This enables us to feed several tonnes of material that would otherwise have to be disposed of back into the production cycle every year.
Green electricity
We generate electricity using the photovoltaic systems at all four of our facilities in Austria, Switzerland, and China. These systems are continually modernised and extended where necessary.
Continuous review and improvement
Ökoprofit and ISO 14001 certification reflect the steps we have taken so far in line with our commitment to sound environmental management.
Having the high quality standards that faigle sets for itself objectively confirmed by an external body and constantly discovering ways to become even better are just two of the many reasons why the companies and products of the faigle Group have multiple certifications. The audits carried out by recognised external partners commit us to defined standards that are internationally recognised. This is essential for our customers in the railway sector, for example.
The certificates are available for you in the download area:

Friedrich Faigle

Erste klimafreundliche Intralogistikrolle am Markt
Um die hohen Ansprüche an die technischen Eigenschaften mit einer nachhaltigen Herstellung zu vereinen, wurden Kooperationen mit Kunststoff-Produzenten gestartet. Dabei wurden zwei vielversprechende Materialien identifiziert: PAS-60 GF eco verfügt über mindestens 70% Recyclinganteil – die Wiederverwertung der Kunststoffe bringt keine Einschränkungen in den Materialeigenschaften. Beim zweiten Werkstoff PAS-PU 90A eco handelt es sich um ein thermoplastisches Hochleistungs-Polyurethan, das zu 37% aus biomasse-basiertem Polyol besteht. Die Materialeigenschaften übertreffen teilweise sogar herkömmliches Neumaterial aus klassischen Rohstoffen.
Neben diesen Vorteilen, verfügt die ecoRolle als faigle-Qualitätsprodukt natürlich auch über weitere Eigenschaften, die Kunden helfen, Energie zu sparen und die Umwelt zu schonen. In den Punkten Leichtbauweise, Energieeffizienz und der langen Lebensdauer gibt es keine Einbußen im Vergleich zu herkömmlich produzierten Intralogistik-Laufrollen.
- PAS-60 GF eco
- 70% Rezyklatanteil
- Kontrollierte Herkunft aus Europa
- 100% gleichwertig zu Neumaterial
- PAS-PU 90A eco
- Aus biobasiertem Polyol
- 37 % biomasse-basierte Stoffe
- Rohstoffherkunft aus 100 % Non-GMO/food/animal feed Quellen
- Spezifizierte Materialeigenschaften übertreffen teilweise Neumaterial
- Leichtbauweise
- Energieeffizient durch geringeren Rollwiderstand als bei herkömmlichen Lösungen
- Hervorragende Lebensdauer
- Mit den meisten Intralogistik-Systemen kompatibel
- Recyclebar