Legal Compliance Code
faigle is a responsible, globally active corporation. Values such as sustainability, quality and responsible action are important to us.
Our code of conduct therefore concentrates on the issues of:
- human rights
- working conditions
- environmental compatibility
- business ethics
For faigle, the guaranteeing of such standards forms an important part of our daily activities.
A “Legal Compliance Code” has been drawn up, and our employees have been informed of and trained in its content.
This code is binding for faigle and all faigle employees.
This “Legal Compliance Code” is available in printed form and a copy is enclosed with this letter.
Compliance Kodex
Compliance means observing the law, regulations and internal instructions. This Code of Conduct, which is mandatory for all employees, expresses these general principles. They are formed on the basis of our corporate-ethical values and on the legal conditions.
Every employee must keep up-to-date with the laws, regulations and internal instructions relating to his or her area of responsibility. If in doubt, supervisors should be ask.
Every employee must
- adhere to the laws, regulations and internal instructions applying to his or her area of responsibility
- be fair, respectful and trustworthy in all actions and business relationships
- respect and promote the reputation of faigle
- avoid conflicts of interest between professional and private matters
- not obtain unlawful advantages for him/herself or others
- comply with work safety and environmental protection provisions
- report any compliance violations to his/her supervisor immediately
In addition, every supervisor must
- observe the faigle leadership principles
- ensure that these guidelines are observed in his/her area of responsibility
We strictly prohibit any discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, sex, religion, world view, disability, age or sexual identity. This applies especially to behaviour towards colleagues, employees and business partners and in relation to employee recruitment, promotion or dismissal.
We strictly prohibit
- offering, promising or granting a personal advantage to domestic or foreign officials in exchange for carrying out or refraining from official actions
- offering, promising or granting personal advantages to employees or representatives or domestic or foreign companies
- carrying out bribery with the help of others, such as relatives, friends, agents, advisors, planners and brokers
- supporting others in illegal actions
Officials include
- all individuals who are entrusted with performing tasks for legislature, administration or the judiciary, for the federal government, a federal state, an association of local authorities or a local authority, for other persons subject to public law, for a different state or an international organisation (e.g. the European Union) (such as Members of Parliament, civil servants or contractual agents, social insurance or Chamber of Commerce employees)
- other individuals working in public administration, such as motor vehicle technicians regarding issuing of the § 57a motor vehicle badge
- individuals working for companies in which one or several regional administration bodies have a direct or indirect investment of at least 50% or which are controlled by them (ORF, ASFINAG, Vienna public transport “Wiener Linien”)
Every employee must keep his/her private interests and the interests of faigle strictly separate. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest must be avoided, including where supervisors cannot be consulted.
The following in particular must be checked
- orders placed with related persons (e.g. spouse, relatives, friends and private business partners)
- orders placed with companies at which related persons hold a respon- sible position
- orders placed with companies in which related persons hold an interest
- secondary employment with competitors
- secondary employment with business partners
Any exceptions must be approved by management.
Employees who wish to invest in a competitor either directly or indirectly, or who already hold such an investment, must report this to their supervisor. Checks will be performed to determine if a conflict of interest applies.
Business partners must be selected with utmost care. faigle only cooper- ates with professional business partners who observe the legal provisions and do not use illegal financing.
Employees must adhere to the law on anti-money laundering and report any suspected money laundering to their supervisors.
faigle expects its employees, customers and suppliers
- to observe all applicable laws
- refrain from corruption
- respect human rights
- comply with child labour laws
- adhere to the legal provisions regarding international trade
- in particular, observe the export and import bans and embargoes
- protect the health and safety of all employees
- observe the relevant national laws and international standards regarding work safety and environmental protection
Employees may generally not demand or accept personal benefits for themselves or related persons, nor accept promises of such benefits. Personal benefits must also not be promised or granted to business partners.
Only minor personal benefits may be granted or accepted (e.g. invitations to restaurants or sports events, or gifts). Gifts and invitations are deemed to be minor if their value does not exceed EUR 100 per quarter of a year and per business partner (customer, supplier, etc.). They must not create the impression that a return service is expected. The benefit must comply with general business custom and must not be in breach of the law.
Gifts whose value exceeds EUR 100 (by themselves or per business partner/quarter) may only be granted or accepted with the supervisor's explicit approval, and these must be documented using the Compliance Form. The Compliance Form records and documents the procedural details and costs. The invited or inviting business partner must also confirm on the back of the form that the invitation/gift is permitted according to his/her company’s Compliance Code. Such cases require an especially detailed conformity check to ensure that both employee and supervisor are adhering to these guidelines.
Cash may never be granted or accepted, independently of value in question.
In the interest of employee and visitor health and safety, every employee must comply with the work safety rules, regulations and standards applicable at his/her place of work. Every employee is responsible for environmental protection at his/her place of work and must observe the environmental protection laws, regulations and standards.
Any company and business data must be treated confidentially and may only be used for the tasks to be performed.
Every supervisor must organise his/her area of responsibility such that the company is protected against loss and abuse. Company assets must not be used for private purposes.
Purchases and sales of company assets must be transparent, traceable, economic and at market conditions. The personal interests of individual employees must not have any impact on decisions and economic transac- tions.
- Competition law and cartel law must be observed
Prices, quantities and terms must not be fixed with competitors
There must be no agreements with competitors regarding a market split
faigle makes cash donations and donations in kind to charitable, not- for-profit causes such as education, science, art, culture, sport and social matters. Donations may only be made after they have been approved in advance by the supervisor or management.
If an employee is in breach of the Compliance Code, this might have the following consequences:
- Warning
- Dismissal
- Compensation claims by faigle and/or third parties
- Fine
- Imprisonment
If faigle is in breach of the Compliance Code, this might have the following consequences:
- Third-party compensation claims
- Additional tax obligations
- Cost-intensive court proceedings
- Fines
- Image loss
The faigle philosophy
We put an emphasis on partnerships.
We believe in treating our employees and (business) partners with respect. We take action out of our sense of responsibility to work in the interests of our company and our employees. Meeting our obligations and keeping our word are very important to us. Fairness and loyalty are central to our relations with employees and partners – and we expect the same in return. Collaboration based on respect and appreciation creates a climate of trust in which people enjoy their day-to-day work. We work together as partners.

We operate sustainably.
faigle is a sustainable business in every respect: when it comes to people, partnerships and resources.
We take a close interest in our employees’ wellbeing, and we give them opportunities for personal development, which in turn enables the company to keep moving forward. Because satisfied employees are effective employees.
We conserve resources in order to protect the environment. When it comes to manufacturing our products and their application, we always aim to optimise our environmental footprint. High-quality materials, excellent workmanship and outstanding know-how are the key to ensuring that our products have a long service life.
We work to improve our bottom line and achieve long-term success. We do not measure success on the basis of quarterly reports, but in terms of how we strengthen and enhance business value. And this underpins our independence.

We have a passion for innovation.
Our founder Heinz Faigle was constantly coming up with new ideas. Inspirational ideas. He always managed to think of new ways of doing things. Exciting ways. Ones that others didn’t spot. Today, faigle is a world leader in a range of industry niches.
The company has been developing new innovations – but without sacrificing tried-and-tested approaches – for more than 70 years. Our customers come to us with needs and leave with solutions. It’s a question of keeping things simple and being pragmatic. Development is one of our strong points and we are always prepared to keep on adapting. Our processes take trends, basic research findings and markets into account. But we only adopt ideas that fit with the way we operate. This demands flexibility and swift responses, coupled with a considered, long-term view. Often, the straightforward answer is right in front of you. And we’ll find it. That’s a promise. Our practical experience lays the foundations for practical applications.

We take an open-minded, outward-looking approach.
We operate in Austria and abroad. We seize on opportunities to develop new markets. We familiarise ourselves with new ideas. We learn about and respect other mindsets. We are proud to employ so many people. This enables us to operate freely, independently and autonomously. To do this, we build on the various different skills and abilities of our employees and partners. And this enables us to hold our own on the international stage. With no ifs and buts. We’re totally open minded.

We aim to be the best.
Let’s be open and above-board. To put it simply: we aim to be the best. Everything we do and the way we do it is another step along this road.
- We take decisions carefully, but streamline our decision-making channels as far as possible. We take a systematic, structured approach to our work and focus on our core competences.
- We act professionally and decisively. Everything we do is shaped by the highest quality standards, with a view to safeguarding our success.
- Over the past 75-plus years, we have built up an unrivalled wealth of expertise, which has helped to make us a world leader in niches in a range of industries. We have a proven record in plastics technology.
- We develop bespoke solutions for our customers. This has made us a leader and also a benchmark in the markets we serve.
We believe that a company is only as good as the people it employs. And excellence is more than just the product of the best a company has to offer.